Error:  ORA 3113
Text:   end-of-file on communication channel
Cause:  An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel.
        The problem could not be handled by the SQL*Net, two task, software.
        This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated with
        a SQL*Net connect has terminated abnormally, or if there is a physical
        failure of the interprocess communication vehicle, that is, the
        network or server machine went down.

Action: If this message occurs during a connection attempt, check the setup
        files for the appropriate SQL*net driver and confirm SQL*Net software
        is correctly installed on the server. If the message occurs after a
        connection is well established, and the error is not due to a physical
        failure, check if a trace file was generated on the server at failure
        time. Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error
        that requires the assistance of customer support.

*** Important: The notes below are for experienced users - See Note:22080.1

        There are numerous causes of this error. It is a 'catch all' type
        error which means 'I cannot communicate with the oracle shadow process'.
        This usually occurs when the Oracle server process has died for
        some reason.

        Oracle support need more information to determine what caused the
        error. The most useful items are:

        1) Does this occur when trying to (a) make a connection to the
           database or (b) on an established connection ?

        2) There should be a trace file from the failed session in

        3) Does a particular statement reproduce this problem or is it
           random ? Use SQL_TRACE on the session to find the problem

        ORA-3113 on Unix - What Information to Collect       Note:17613.1
Error:  ORA 2068
Text:   following severe error from <name>
Cause:  A severe error, a disconnect or fatal Oracle error, was received from the given database link.
        See the accompanying messages for a more detailed description of the problem.

Action: Contact the remote system administrator to determine the cause of the remote problem and the estimated time of the problem's resolution.
감독 로만 폴란스키 (2010 / 프랑스, 독일, 영국)
출연 이완 맥그리거, 피어스 브로스넌, 킴 캐트롤, 올리비아 윌리엄스

사실 유명한 배우.. 2명.. 연기파 배우.. 
감독은 별로 안보고 배우로만.. 그것도 이완 맥그리거가 나와서 정말 기대하고 본 영화.
이건 그러나 스릴러 장르라고 하기보다는..
임팩트나, 좀.. 머라고 해야하나? 스릴 있는 그런 장면들은 그렇게 나오지 않는다.
개인적으로 스릴러 장르를 좋아하기 때문에..
약간의 반전도 있지만 그것도 너무 아무렇지 않게 밝혀지고..
재미로 보기에는..
그래도 스토리나 연기력으로는 볼만 했는데..
개봉하자마자 봤는데.. 영화평을 보니 극과 극...
괜찮다와 전혀 아니다라는.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

난 그렇게까지 나쁘지는 않았는데.. 추천할 정도는 아닌 듯..
나랑 같이 같던 사람은 쎄근 쎄근 잘도 자던데.. ㅋㅋㅋ
스토리는 그래도 다 안다며.. 우긴다.. ;;; 그래도 잘 자던데.. 진짜 알까? ㅋㅋㅋ

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