

안녕앨리스 2010. 4. 22. 10:13

Column Name Description
ALLOCATION_TYPE Type of extent allocation in effect for this tablespace
BLOCK_SIZE Tablespace block size
CONTENTS Tablespace contents: "PERMANENT", or "TEMPORARY"
DEF_TAB_COMPRESSION Default compression enabled or not: "ENABLED" or "DISABLED"
EXTENT_MANAGEMENT Extent management tracking: "DICTIONARY" or "LOCAL"
FORCE_LOGGING Tablespace force logging mode
INITIAL_EXTENT Default initial extent size
LOGGING Default logging attribute
MAX_EXTENTS Default maximum number of extents
MIN_EXTENTS Default minimum number of extents
MIN_EXTLEN Minimum extent size for the tablespace
NEXT_EXTENT Default incremental extent size
PCT_INCREASE Default percent increase for extent size
SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT Segment space management tracking: "AUTO" or "MANUAL"
STATUS Tablespace status: "ONLINE", "OFFLINE", or "READ ONLY"
TABLESPACE_NAME Tablespace name